Internet and society: “Yandex” has launched a special project to improve literacy among users
“Yandex” has launched a special project “Mistakes Work” in the framework of which the most frequently occurring spelling mistakes of search engine users are collected, said representatives of the company.
"The service includes words in writing of which, according to the search engine "Yandex", people often make mistakes", - the company said.
The project launched in the Russian and Ukrainian languages, is designed to help in remembering how to write compound words. For each of them, the system displays the correct spelling of the most common mistakes. There you can also see common cases of irregular accentuation.
According to representatives of "Yandex", this project is not intended to be the teacher, does not rule and does not explain the spelling of words, but only draws the user's attention to those words, which often cause mistakes.
At the same time, "Yandex" has a section "Reading" at the web site, which allows you to learn the correct accent and spelling, as well as its interpretation.