Libraries of Russia: The XI Forum of Public Libraries of Russia “Bibliocaravan – 2012” in the Ulyanovsk region

3 September 2012

September 3-7, 2012 the XI Forum of Public Libraries of Russia “Bibliocaravan – 2012” is held in the Ulyanovsk region.

Year 2012 is declared the Year of the Russian history, in the Ulyanovsk region it is the Year of Culture and National Fame, as well as the Year of the 200th anniversary of the Great Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov.

The XI Forum of Public libraries of Russia “Bibliocaravan – 2012”, the theme of which is “The role of libraries in preserving the historical memory of generations” is dedicated to these dates.

"Bibliocaravan" is an annual professional meeting of experts of public libraries, which symbolizes the transfer of the library movement from one region to another.

The form of the event is chosen nonrandom; each day a region-organizer presents a particular library, and introduces participants to its activities, achievements and innovations. In addition, the librarians are involved in various panel discussions, master classes, lectures, and visit the library area.

Goals of the Forum:

- Identify the most prominent innovative ideas, the exchange of ideas and experiences, showcase of the best achievements of municipal public libraries in Russia.

- Extension of the range of professional communication specialists of Russian libraries, promotion of inter-regional links between libraries.

- Creating of a positive image of the region in the Russian scale.

Objectives of the Forum:

- Development of social partnership libraries in promoting books and reading.

- Promote the growth of library professionals.

- Raising the profile of the library and the library profession.