Information technology and society: The Moscow International Forum of the Innovative development “Open Innovations” in Moscow

31 October 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

The Moscow International Forum of Innovative development “Open Innovations” is held in Moscow from October 31 to November 2 at the Central Exhibition Complex “Expocentre”. The purpose is the creation of the International communication platform, focused on the search of new solutions in the field of Innovations development and commercialization of new technologies.

The program of the conference includes "round tables", panel discussions and a number of plenary sessions.

The plenary sessions "Global challenges of humanity: Request for innovations" and "World-2030: challenges, vision, opportunity" will discuss the current and projected threats to humanity and the possibility of reducing the expense of innovations, as well as the impact of technological innovations on the development of the world economy and society as a whole, the control of global innovation processes.

A major exhibition «Open Innovations Expo», which is designed to be a platform for the promotion of high-tech solutions and products, will be held in the framework of the Forum. Its members are the leading companies in the high-tech industries. For the first time one ground will gather together authors of projects, customers, experts and potential investors.

The plenary session of the Moscow International Forum of innovative development "Open Innovations", the main topics of which will be the latest technology and the prospects for international cooperation in the field of innovations, will include the speech of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.