Memory of Russia: The jubilee scientific conference “Moscow Kremlin in 1812” is taking place

30 October 2012

October 30 - November 1, 2012 the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Preserve "The Moscow Kremlin» holds the Jubilee Conference of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, devoted to the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russian arms in the Patriotic War of 1812 - "The Moscow Kremlin in 1812".

In the framework of the conference it is offered to discuss the following questions:

- The value of Moscow in the military campaign of 1812:

- The French in Moscow: The Kremlin in the memoirs of soldiers and officers of the Grand Army;

- Napoleon in the Kremlin: reflection of events in the European press of 1812:

- The Moscow fire of 1812: new and traditional versions, evaluation;

- The Kremlin relics and treasures – the lost and saved;

- The Museum “Armory” in 1812 and its role in the rescue of national historical relics;

- The fates of European museums and treasuries in the period of Napoleonic wars;

- Desecration of the Kremlin shrines and the rise of national spirit in Russian society;

- Moscow after the Napoleonic invasion and the restoration of the Kremlin;

- Memorials of the 1812 in the in the museum and private collections;

- Reflection of the tragedy of the ruin of the Kremlin in art and literature.