History of Russia: International scientific conference “Ancient Rus’ and medieval Europe: the emergence of states” in Moscow and Rostov Veliky

30 October 2012

October 29 - November 2, 2012 the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Rostov Museum Reserve organize the International Conference "Ancient Rus’ and medieval Europe: the emergence of states". October 29, 30 and November 2 meetings are held in Moscow, October 31 and November 1 - in Rostov Veliky.

The conference is dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the official beginning of the Russian statehood and it considers the problems and mysteries associated with the formation of the ancient Russian state.

One of the most important aspects of the controversial history of the Russian statehood is the Norman theory that the Eastern Slavs were influenced by Vikings. Controversies between the Scandinavian and Slavic theories have been conducted for over 300 years. The participants of the scientific meeting explore foundation of the ancient Russian statehood as an organic part of the world historical process, the result of European socio-economic processes.

In the framework of the conference a special attention is paid to the following issues:

- Political, economic and cultural conditions of the formation of the state.

- Typology of early medieval states.

- Infrastructure of early medieval states.

- Hierarchy and Power in the Early middle Ages.

- The emergence of the ancient Russian state.