Museums of Russia: Large Hall of the Agate Rooms in Tsarskoye Selo has been opened after the restoration

28 October 2012

October 23, 2012 the Large Hall of the Agate Rooms at the Cold Bath pavilion marked a successful completion of its restoration.

The Large Hall - the third renovated interior of a unique monument of the XVIII century of architect Charles Cameron commissioned by Empress Catherine II. In December 2011, after the restoration was opened Agate office and library. Professionals of the Tsarskoye Selo Amber Workshop, which started work in January 2011, would revive four interiors - Jasper Study, Oval Office, Kabinetets and Staircase.

The Agate Rooms have kept authentic historic finish to the present day, as the escaped during the Nazi occupation. They are unique in both artistically and technically and have no analogues in the world.

Charles Cameron in the second floor of the pavilion "Cold Bath" has created unique elegant interiors - rooms for recreation and entertainment, which became the private apartments of the Empress, in which in the morning hours she used to have a look through government documents, answer letters, and do literary works.

The Agate Rooms of the Cold Bath pavilion - a technologically highly complex restoration facility. However, it is here where for the first time the museum has decided to open facilities for visitors as they become available, without waiting for the completion of all the work.