The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library web site separate block of the section, dedicated to Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, in the collection State Authority.
Currently, the section is filled with new material from inventory 1, Part 1 and Part 2, among which are:
- Documents on the development by II Department of His Majesty's Office of the Complete Collection of Laws and the Laws of the Russian Empire, as well as the commissions on collection of laws in the middle of the XVIII century.
"The experience of the comments on the Statute and conclusions on that": between the years 1832-1835 (Op. 1, Part 2. D. 9) Drafts of Speransky related mainly to the codification: 1828-1833 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 117-core), Original Journals of the Council of the Commission to formulate laws for years 1825-1826 year. 1825 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 51 g.), Original Journals of the Council of the Commission for drafting of laws in 1826 (January and February). 1826. (Op. 1, Part 1. 51-D), The Case of the Committees for review of Codes with the highest resolutions and notes of Speransky and his most loyal handwritten report: 1828-1834. 1828-1834 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 119 Main), Note by State Councilor Basil Brilevich "The consideration on the means of application is reduced to solving cases": November 14, 1834, 1834 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 169), Memories of officials of the Division II His Imperial Majesty's Office for 1827 (draft and stationery together): 1827. 1827 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 86-a), Memory of Division II of officials of His Imperial Majesty's Office for 1836 (draft and stationery together): 1836. 1836 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 86-A), Information about the awards and service officials II Office of His Imperial HM Office: 1827-1839. 1827-1839 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 99), Records of rewards officials Division II His Imperial Majesty's Office: 1827-1839. 1827-1839 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 100), Draft paper relating to the printing of the Complete Collection of Laws: 1830-1836. 1830-1836 (Op. 1, Part 1, 141 AD), Proceedings of the Commission: 1741-1764. 1741-1764 (Op. 1, Part 1, AD 146-a).
- Documents relating to the development of civil law
Checking of the X volume Code of Laws (Civil Laws) by Chief Secretaries of the Government of the Senate: 1830-1831. 1830-1831 (Op. 1, Part 1, 138 AD), Note of the comments on the Code of Laws of Article X: 1830-1831. 1830-1831 (Op. 1, Part 1, AD 140), Five notebooks observations concerning the verification code of articles on X is "Code of Laws", 1-2 notebooks Art. 1359-1434, 1544-1547, 2136-2174, and 3 Book Art. 2348-2412, 4-5 notebooks Art. 1396-1471: 1830-1831. 1830-1831 (Op. 1, Part 1, AD 139), Project III of the Civil Code. Correspondence and Speransky and Balugyansky with different persons for the Division II His Imperial Majesty's Office: 1826-1839. 1826-1839 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 87), Explanation of Speransky in 1, 2, 3, 4 chapters of the first part of the Civil Code: 1810-1812. 1810-1812 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 9) Correspondence relating to an explanation of the Code. Comments by the Director of the Department of the Ministry of Justice on Degaya Megeve laws. Letters to Speransky, A. S. Taneyev and D. V. Dashkov on matters relating to the Code of Laws: 1837-1841. 1837-1841 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 178), The letter of Lopukhin with eleven magazines to transmitting the Commission with new editions of all 11 chapters of the draft Civil Code: 1824, 1824 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 60).
- Documents relating to the development of criminal law
"Thoughts in the form of instructions of Count Speransky to criminal laws" [1 --] (Op. 1, Part 2. D. 14), Copies of the journals of the State Council held on the occasion of the review in 1824 and 1825 draft Criminal Law, compiled in 1813, 1824 (Op. 1, parts 1. D. 64), Notes of Ludwig Reyberti to the draft Criminal Law May 30, 1818 with a cover letter from N. N. Muravyov March 29, 1826 1826 (Op. 1, Part 1. D. 740), Extracts from the Prussian, British and French criminal law made in Part II of His Imperial Majesty's Office in 1831. 1831 (Op. 1, Part 1, AD 143).
- Documents dedicated to the selected draft laws and legislative activity in certain areas:
Handwritten draft of "Regulation on security of real estate and mortgage of movable property". A copy of the Journal of the meetings of the Committee established to review the draft charter of the IOUs and debt letters: 1831. 1831 (Op. 1, Part 1, 145 AD), Letter of V. A. Dashkov to his brother D. V. Dashkov on the means to the protection of noble estates from ruin: 1831. 1831 (Op. 1, Part 1, 144), The Case on drawing up the Code of Laws of Ostsee provinces: 1831. 1831 (Op. 1, Part 1, 142).
The preparation of new materials of the RSHA for inclusion to the holdings of the Presidential Library continues.