Libraries and society: Scientific and Practical seminar, dedicated to the Russian statehood and the legal education in libraries, in Moscow

26 October 2012

Scientific and Practical seminar "Statehood and the law: from Rus’ to the Russian Federation. Current projects in the fields of legal education in libraries" is held on October 26, 2012 at the Russian State Library (Moscow).

The seminar is timed to the 1150th anniversary of the Russian statehood. Its main purposes are the search for new forms of interaction of state structures, the non-profit sectors and library community, as well as the identification of further strategy in the field of legal education.

Organizers: Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Russian State Library, Inter-regional Association of public legal information centers.

Topics for discussions:

- The legal nature of the state. The genesis of the Russian statehood. The role of libraries in promoting and ensuring of public access to legal monuments of the Russian statehood.

- The legal system is a key component of modern statehood. The role of libraries in a common information and legal space of Russia. Information and legal support for state reforms. The experience of libraries to provide access to official legal information.

- The role of local government in the development of civil society. Contribution of libraries in the process of legal information of municipal governance. The libraries to provide access to regulations of local authorities.

- The legal culture of citizens and the idea of ​​statehood. The role of libraries in the implementation of Principles of State policy in the sphere of legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens. Social importance of the outreach of public legal information centers (PCLI), created on the basis of public libraries. Projects to transformation of the PCLI in centers of legal and civic participation of citizens.

- Social partnership of libraries in the information support of the developing civil society. The interaction of libraries with public authorities and civil society. New forms of interaction between libraries with the manufacturer reference of legal systems. Information and search system of the Russian segment of the Internet. Government information in the Internet. Experience of volunteer services at the PCLI.

- International exchange of legal information: problems and prospects.

To participate in seminar specialists from the library sphere, representatives of legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, representatives of international and public organizations, practitioners, educators and journalists are attended to.