Internet resources: Company “Yandex” has presented the e-mail service for business users

26 October 2012
Source: Digit.Ru

The company "Yandex" has launched a new version of its e-mail service, with which it wants to attract business users, resulting in a redesigned user interface and features for working with long correspondence, the company said.

"The new e-mail is in beta mode, but it is available without invitation: anyone can already include it in the settings", - say representatives of "Yandex".

The interface of the new e-mail service "Yandex", called Trinity, consists of three parts - a single page displays the folder list of letters and the letter itself. Users can choose the type of interface - vertical or horizontal.

"In practice, it is the most convenient format for working e-mail. In one click you can move from one letter to another, without having to load each in its own window", - the representatives of the company say.

In addition, the updated service has a function of grouping of letters on the same topic, which allows you to read all of the discussion in the form of tape messages on the same page. Also, the developers have removed at Trinity everything that is not directly related to the work of the mail - advertising, design themes, more options, and a video letter.

The new version of the mail service will be offered by default to all users of the service "Yandex. E-mail for the domain", which allows to connect mail "Yandex" to its own domain name. For all other users the switch to the new design will be up to them.