The All-Russian State Library of foreign literature of M. I. Rudomino
The All-Russian State Library of foreign literature of M. I. Rudomino (LFL, Moscow) September 25, 2012 is held the Conference “Library builds bridges”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Library.
During the conference are held the following sections:
- Library and civil society: the social dialogue;
- Library and education: intellectual development and general culture of the population;
- Library and international cultural cooperation.
There will also be held the international round table "Library builds bridges", in the work of which it is planned the participation of prominent figures of Russian and foreign culture.
The specialists of the Library carry out an extensive scientific work on the study of cultural and humanitarian heritage of foreign countries, regional countries, bibliography and library science, it implements a serious and systematic work on the enrichment of the holdings of the world centers of Slavic and new Russian editions, presenting the best works of modern Russian literature, reference and encyclopedic literature to foreign libraries and universities.