Information technology and museums: The Hermitage to implement digital publishing solutions to the museum work

25 October 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

October 24, 2012 at the State Hermitage there was held the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of development, implementation and promotion of Digital Publishing Solutions between The State Hermitage and the company Adobe Systems.

The main purpose of the agreement is a joint work on creation of digital versions of catalogues of temporary exhibitions and editions, dedicated to the permanent expositions in the Hermitage. As an experiment, based on the platform for digital publishing and made by the company Adobe, it was created the electronic version of the catalogue of the exhibition “Santiago Calatrava. In search of the movement”, which was held in the Hermitage in June-September, 2012.

All the museum catalogs were still published for exhibitions in a limited edition in print. "With Adobe solutions for digital publishing the cataloging process is simplified and in the future it will provide the State Hermitage Museum with electronic versions of catalogs of temporary exhibitions in the internet," - said representatives of the museum.