World history: Unique drawings to be published to the anniversary of the start of the World War I

24 October 2012

Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg) to the anniversary of the start of the World War I in 2014 will publish unique drawings of artists-combatants. As told at the press conference the museum director Valery Krylov, by July 2014 it is planned to prepare the two-volume edition, which will include miraculously preserved in the Soviet era drawings and their description.

The collection of the museum includes over a thousand drawings created by combatants and artistic detachment, which included artists, writers, historians, photographers. Among them there are works made in the schedule, as well as sketches of paintings, watercolors and drawings. According to Krylov, the main theme of these paintings was not only heroic deeds, but the army everyday life: it was depicted the life of soldiers, interrogation of prisoners. He said that the description of drawings appeared in one of the catalogs of the museum in 1972, but they have never been published. "At the same time, this unique collection deserves to enter it in the scientific circulation", - explained the director of the museum the idea of edition. Experts promise to prepare materials by July 2014.