International events: Eurasian Forum-2012 is opening in Verona

18 October 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

Innovations and international integration will be the focus of the Eurasian Forum-2012, held October 18-19, 2012 in Verona (Italy).

Existing from 2008, this year Russian-Italian Forum expanded its borders and it is first held as the Eurasian Forum, to participate in which are invited statesmen, businesses and financial institutions of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and China.

An important theme of the first day of the Forum, according to the «Nezavisimaya Gazeta» is the impact of globalization on the geopolitical and macroeconomic processes and the perspectives of the economic outlook.

The second day in Verona promises to be no less eventful. The experts will discuss the possibility of inter-state support for innovative projects.

The most interesting discussion should be about how the innovation takes place at the state and municipal levels. It will actively engage leaders of the two Russian cities to attract maximum attention - Kazan and Sochi, as they take place in the coming years the most important international competitions – Universiade-2013 and Olympics-2014.

Among the guests of the forum there are top officials of the Government of Italy and the Government of Russia, as well as members of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.