Internet and society: The first web site of the Baltic region to be launched at the beginning of 2013

27 November 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

The web site, designed to improve communication between the Baltic Sea countries, especially the EU members, will soon be open at the Internet Baltic Development Forum (BDF).  According to spokesman of BDF service Dan Axel, the main aim of the website is "the development of a distinct regional identity and the Baltic self-perception".

"The web site is conceived politically neutral, balanced, informative, - said Axel. - It will be based on the best traditions of independent journalism. To engage in information and blogs we will charge to “news spotter” - talented young volunteers from all the Baltic Sea countries.

"Currently, there is no independent media, which would cover the Baltic region, - the head of the press service of BDF noted. - The new website will be the first such regional platform. BDF headed by international board will act as a "horizontal co-coordinator".

"The web site will be open in mid-January. The first two years it will be work in a pilot mode", - said the spokesperson of the BDF.