Information and society: The XIV Annual International conference “EVA 2012 Moscow: Information society, culture, education”

26 November 2012

26-28 November 2012 at the Russian State Library (Moscow) will be held the XIV Annual International Conference "EVA 2012 Moscow: Information society, culture and education".

The conference theme: "Development and preservation of digital cultural and scientific heritage".

The conference is attended by representatives of intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations, governments in the fields of culture, art, education, science, information and communications, representatives of public organizations, research and education community, the media, experts in the field of libraries, museums and archives. The conference was attended by experts from the Presidential Library.

The conference discusses the following issues:

- Strategy of e-cultural, educational and scientific space: policy, vision and strategy, international and national projects, international cooperation programs and projects of the EU, the European digital library, EUROPEANA, the UNESCO program "Information for All", the regional programs.

- Creation and maintenance of long-term digital resources, and providing open access: philosophical, legal, organizational, technological, methodological, personnel problems preservation of digital cultural and scientific heritage digitization, digital libraries, virtual museums and archives; multilingual information access.

- Electronic resources and information and communication technologies in libraries, museums, archives, theaters, universities, and information and communication technology and the preservation of cultural heritage in all its forms (including modern art, immovable cultural heritage, audiovisual heritage, etc.), the quality of information resources and services, preservation of digital resources, the history of the development of electronic resources.

- Interaction of social and cultural institutions in the digital space: standards and metadata; integration of information resources, associations and forms of cooperation.

The conference covers plenary sessions, sections, round tables, workshops and master classes, the virtual exhibition "Multimedia in culture, arts, and humanities".