Memory of Russia: Exhibition project “You remember: it has flowed for the army men…” in Saint-Petersburg

26 November 2012

November 26, 2012 the Museum-estate of G. R. Derzhavin (St. Petersburg) opens exhibition project dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812. The new partnership project combines artifacts from the collection of the National Pushkin Museum, the National Library of Russia, the State Museum of Alexander Suvorov, the Military Medical Museum, the Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg Arts Center "AVIT", Private Collections of collectors.

The new exhibition presents unique materials: picture of A. I. Dmitriev-Mamonov "Borodino", "drawn in the battle itself" on August 26, 1812; the popular image of I. I. Terebenev, foreign satirical pictures; geopolitical map puzzles of the World and Europe in the late XVIII century, savvy-gathering "by country"; Moscow map indicating the locations of arson, published in France in 1812.

Among the most valuable pieces are stool chief of the Russian army of Kutuzov, accessories of a written instrument "Napoleon"; buckshot from the battlefields of the rare book editions (books on Napoleon of the early XIX century in French and German, including the ownership inscription memoirist F. Y. Mirkovic, memoirs of Segur and Jomini; uniform items, medicine and military life, writing the famous French surgeon Jean Larrey's.

A special section of the exhibition is devoted to the pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - Alexander Pushkin and his friends. For high school students the first Napoleonic invasion was the main experience of adolescence.

The memoir part is supplemented with archival films and photographs, materials on the celebration of the anniversary celebrations in 1912, with the participation of members of the imperial family, clergy, and the generals in St. Petersburg and Moscow, photo memorials in honor of the patriotic War of 1812. The modern media is also presented: a series of mini-movies channel "Russia" about the known and unknown heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Presented at the exhibition fine materials, rare book editions and commemorative items complement the substantive complexes, symbols, allusions and installations.