Russian archives: Festive events, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian State Historical Archive, in Saint-Petersburg

14 November 2012

November 14-15, 2012 in Saint-Petersburg festival events, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian State Historical Archive, are taking place.

The celebration program includes the conference “Archives and history of the Russian statehood”, the meeting-seminar of main curators of the Federal Archives and regional archives of the North-West Federal District for the experience exchange in the field of documents preservation.

November 15, a solemn meeting, the presentation of virtual exhibition on the 1150th anniversary of the origin of Russian statehood, the opening exhibition "Archive Treasures of Russia", "Recent history of the RSHA (1918-2012)", "From the book collection of the scientific reference library of the RSHA (bookplates, autographs , rare editions)" will be held.