Memory of Russia: Exhibition “No wonder the whole Russia remembers...” opened in Moscow

14 November 2012

In the halls of Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery (Moscow) opened the exhibition "No wonder the whole Russia remembers…". Lermontov's line in the title refers to the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. Several Russian museums took part in the preparation for the project. Many items never left the walls of the store. The exhibition features an engraving medal art, architectural models and photographs - more than two hundred items.

Cartoons presented in the exhibition, so fully exposed only in the 40s of the last century. Here are presented not only Venetsianov, Terebenev, Ivanov, but also lists published in the French city of Epinal. They feature subjects related to Napoleon, his family and, of course, war. They were very popular among the French. Next go pictures, already well-known in Russia.

For example, the exhibition features a true proclamation of the Moscow mayor Rostopchin, dated August 30, 1812.

A separate room is devoted to architectural monument built in honor of the victory in the War of 1812 - a model of the Trinity Cathedral of the Izmailovo Regiment in St. Petersburg, the project of the Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow and the Red Square reconstruction project after the fire by Joseph Bové are presented. At the exhibition you can see things which have not been embodied.