International events: Exhibition “Swiss View” in the framework of the program of the Russian-Swiss cultural exchanges in Saint-Petersburg

10 November 2012

From 9 to 18 November 2012 in the exhibition hall of the Johann Ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress (St. Petersburg) is held a personal exhibition of the young Swiss artist Alex Dolly "Swiss View".

The exhibition precedes the started in the 2012 program for the development of Russian-Swiss cultural exchanges «Swiss made in Russia», the implementation of which will take place in 2012-2015 with the support of the Swiss Cultural Foundation "Pro Helvetia".

The exhibition at the Peter and Paul Fortress presents about 60 works of A. Dolly, created in 2010-2012. This is mainly landscapes, depicting the types of the Swiss Alps, mountain lakes, and ancient Swiss cities of Bern, Zurich, and Geneva. They allow you to see and deeply feel the special beauty and charm of Switzerland: the originality and uniqueness of architectural monuments and natural landscapes. The works were made in different techniques.

The exhibition is supplemented with paintings with views of St. Petersburg and other cities of the world, still life, portrait sketches, as well as abstract compositions.