History of Russia: Exhibition “The Sword and the Golden Coin. To the 1150th anniversary of the Old Russian state” in Moscow
The State Historical Museum in Moscow on November 2, 2012 presents the exhibition "The Sword and the Golden Coin. To the 1150th anniversary of the Old Russian state". It involves the largest museums of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
The Sword and the Golden Coin can be called symbols of the epoch of formation of the first East Slavic state. The Sword, a sign of the military value in the early middle Ages, was the main weapon of warriors who accompanied the princes during the military campaigns and the collection of tribute from conquered tribes. The Golden Coin (the first gold coin of ancient coinage) was the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia, which has become one of the most powerful Christian states in the end of the X century.
The exhibition shows the process of the formation and flourishing of the Old Russian state during the IX-XIII centuries. The key issue is to compare the "barbaric" pagan world of the northeastern Europe and the brilliance of the Byzantine Empire, in a result of collisions and interactions has been born the Old Russian state.
The exhibition presents rare and interesting exhibits: the treasures of silver jewelry and coins, weapons of ancient warriors, objects of pagan worship, copies of frescoes and mosaics of St. Sophia and St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery.
The Moscow Kremlin Museums are displaying at the exhibition ancient and most revered "Korsun" holy Assumption Cathedrals – two-sided icon of "Christ Pantocrator and the Virgin Protectress (Korsuni)" and external crystal cross. According to legend the two relics were brought to Russia about 992 years ago by Kievan Prince Vladimir of Chersonese (Korsuni).
Both relics were in the altar of the Cathedral of the Assumption, and for many centuries participated in the procession moves and Coronation celebrations.