Libraries of Russia: The M. Y. Lermontov Stavropol Regional Universal Library celebrates its 160th anniversary

27 December 2012

December 27, 2012 in the conference hall of the M. Y. Lermontov Stavropol Regional Universal Library holds the solemn event dedicated to its 160th anniversary.

The preparation to the opening of the first library in the North Caucasus began in 1850 on the initiative of the civil governor Alexander A. Volotsky. December 29, 1852 with the special permission of the governor of the Caucasus Mikhail Vorontsov and with the support of the city public there was opened the Stavropol provincial Public Library. The money for the first books was donated by nobility and the merchants. The readership included teachers, civil servants, lawyers, merchants, high school students, military men as well as ordinary people.

In 1964, the decision of the Council in Ministers of the USSR in connection with the 150th anniversary of M. Y. Lermontov, the institute had been given the name of the Great Russian poet.

Currently, the library is important information, cultural and educational center, the universal book store, the depositary interregional importance, the Institute of Historical and cultural memory of the region, the focus of regional studies, research and methodological work of libraries in Stavropol.

December 27 the oldest in the North Caucasus Public Library collects at distinguished readers, colleagues, partners, and donors. Theatrical composition with actors of the M. Y. Lermontov Stavropol Drama Theatre will present landmarks of the history of the library. Congratulations will perform by representatives of government, heads of regional cultural institutions, the friends of the library. There will be held the awarded ceremony of the honorary workers, handing out commemorative gifts to veterans.