Information technology and museums: The web site of the Altay State Memorial Museum of Herman Titov is launched
Information technology and museums: The web site of the Altay State Memorial Museum of Herman Titov is launched
27 December 2012
The Internet presents the web site of the Altay State Memorial Museum of Herman Titov.
Visitors of this Web site can see the unique museum exhibits, and learn about the educational programs, workshops, cinema lessons and other events held in the Altai Memorial Museum of H. S. Titov.
A separate unit at the site presents materials about the second cosmonaut Herman Titov and his father Stepan Pavlovich.
At the web site of the museum you can also sign up for a tour, to learn about the publications of the museum, as part of the activities within the program of aesthetic education of children and youth.
Next year, anyone can take a virtual tour through the Altay Memorial Museum of Herman Titov.