Russian regions: The reserve for conservation of ancient petroglyphs is created in Altai

25 December 2012
Source: RIA Novosti

Altai authorities created a historical and cultural reserve – “Altai – Altyn Kabai” and preserve of a unique complex of petroglyphs “Kalbak-Tash” which is thousand years, says the web site of the government of the region.

The place under the name “Kalbak-Tash” (literal translation – “flat, extended, hanging stone, mountain”) is located in the Altai Mountains on the right bank of Chui, between the villages Iodro and Yin. Here, in the rocks you can observe thousands of petroglyphs. The most common images are images of animals: bulls, deer, wolves and leopards. There are images are found on rocks and hunting scenes. Another motive is ritual. Some of the petroglyphs scientists managed to correlate with the subjects of the Altai myths, others have not yet solved. About two kilometers from the cave paintings is a statue of a warrior with a stone face and a clear image of a hand, the compressive sword. The age of stone sculptures and drawings are estimated by experts in several thousand years.

Historical and Cultural Reserve was established to preserve, prevent the destruction of places of interest, as well as for their study, promotion and use in the fields of science, education and training. On the reserve territory there is a special regime of content which provides the preservation of cultural heritage, cultural and natural landscapes, places, perform religious rites within the limits of the reserve.