Prime Minister of the Russian Federation: Dmitry Medvedev has approved a program for the development of technology in Russia

24 December 2012
Source: CNews

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has approved a program “Development of science and technology”, which defines the state policy in the research and technology areas of Russia till 200. The announcement is published at the government’s web site.

Among the stated goals of the program are formation of a competitive and well-functioning research and development sector and the ensuring of its leading role in the process of technology modernization of the Russian economy. 

The program will be implemented in three stages: the first – 2013; the second – 2014-2017; the third – 2018-2020.

As expected, the main source of financing will be the formation of a modern infrastructure of Russian science, the development of its human resources and logistics and efficiency of basic and applied research.

Achievement of program objectives, according to press-service of the government, will be characterized by objective indexes, including, in particular, citation rates in the index service and database of research publications.

Thus, by 2020 Russia’s unit weight in the total number of publications in research journals indexed in Web of Science should increase to 3%, the number of publications of Russian authors in journals, indexed in Scopus should increase to 13 to any 100 researchers.

The number of domestic patent applications for inventions in Russia (the ratio of inventive activity) should increase by 2020 2.8 unite per 1 thousand people.

The average salary of researchers by 2020 should be twice the average salary in the relevant region.