Peoples of Russia: Exhibition “Traditional culture and life of Tuva people” in Moscow

22 December 2012

December 20, 2012 the Museum Association “Moscow City Museum” opened the ethnographic exhibition “Traditional culture and life of Tuva people”.

Visitors of the exhibition will have a rare opportunity to see more than three hundred items of culture and life of Tuva people from the collection of the Aldan-Maadyr National Museum, to penetrate to the original world of residents of the Republic of Tuva, located in the heart of Asia.

The richest in its traditions folk art of Tuva is a reflection of the life of Tuva nomads, pastoralists. It fully bears their attitude, unity with Mother Nature. Tuva still revere the spirits of earth and fire, mountains and rivers.

Among the exhibits you can see part of the yurt with furniture. The exhibition presents a unique silver jewelry for men and women of late XIX - early XX centuries, made in a single copy by Tuvan jewelers - dargany.

Of particular interest are black-and-white photos of the first director of the museum V. P. Ermolayev, constituting a "gold" collection of the museum. They are made from the original negatives, dating from the early XX century. These are not just snapshots, to fix the lives of people of the last century, and historical records documenting the changes occurring in the traditional lifestyle of Tuva people.

The ethnographic exhibition "Traditional culture and everyday life of Tuva people" is exhibited in Moscow for the first time and offers visitors a unique insight into the mysterious and attractive culture Tuvan people.