Information technology and museums: Virtual tour of the Stavropol State Museum Reserve is launched
Visitors of the official web site of the G. N. Prozritelev and G. K. Prave Stavropol State Historical and Cultural and Natural Landscape Museum Reserve starting with December 2012 are offered to make a virtual tour through the halls of the museum.
Virtual tours are quite a widespread phenomenon at the museum web sites not only in Europe and the USA but also in Russia. The core of the virtual tours are interactive panoramas, when it is possible to look around, look up and down, to zoom or move away specific details.
Now every person from all over the world (if having internet access) who currently does not have opportunity to come to the museum or he wants again to feel the atmosphere of the spacious exposition halls and enjoy viewing the exhibits can make a tour around the Stavropol museum.
The virtual tour around the Stavropol State Museum Reserve was implemented by the famous professional photographer from Pyatigorsk Pavel Bogdanov, who is involved in photographing and panorama imaging.