Memorable dates of Russia: Results of the Year of Russian history and future plans discussed at the General Meeting of the RAS

19 December 2012

The Annual General meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences opened on December 18, 2012 in Moscow. In the Year of Russian history the theme for discussion at the main academic forum was declared “History of Russia: current problems and new solutions”.

At the initiative of scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences the year 2012 was dedicated to the Russian history. Its goal is to draw attention to key events in the past of the country.

At the session of the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences they not only summed up as thinking of the future. The Year of Russian history, though gone, but the work is ahead enough. It is approaching the 400th anniversary of the Sobor, the 200th anniversary of the liberation campaign of the Russian army, the sesquicentennial anniversary of one of the most ambitious reforms of Alexander II - the judicial reform of 1864. It is approaching a century of the World War I. Chairman of the Russian Historical Society Sergei Naryshkin said that some foreign historians supported his idea to prepare for the event together.

“I am planning to discuss this theme at the beginning of the next year when visiting the French Academy. This part already has legislative initiatives to include August 1 to the calendar of memorable dates as the day of memory of Russian soldiers, who died in the World War I”, - said Sergei Naryshkin.

April 27, 2013 the country for the first time will celebrate the Day of Russian parliamentarianism. By that date it is planned to publish a book of selected speeches of the deputies of the State Duma at the first convocation – 1906 and to the present day. It is already prepared for publication.

Sergei Naryshkin also proposed to issue a new academic work on the histoy of Russia. “We need a new academic history of Russia, - he noted. – The last time such a work has been released over 30 years ago”.

Currently the Academy of Sciences is preparing a volume work on universal history, reminded the chairman of the lower house of parliament. However, he said that it was necessary to think about no less authoritative work on the history of the country. The political history celebrated 1150 years, said Naryshkin, adding that all the conventions of recorded date of calling the Vikings, the further history of Russia is full of significant events. Now, noted the head of the Russian Historical Society, there is a growth of public interest to the Russian history. Only a deep knowledge of the past and the ability to understand it leads to the realization of our role in the history, believes Naryshkin.