Internet and society: Russia among more than 100 countries of the world has signed a new version of International Telecommunication Regulations

17 December 2012

December 14, 2012 in the United Arab Emirates has completed its work the World Conference on International Telecommunications 2012 (WCIT012). Its outcome was the signing of more than 100 member countries a compromise version of the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), which is an obligatory International agreement of the global level. The new edition offers the member states to develop their respective position on international Internet-related technical issues, development and state policy in the framework of the mandate of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The new version of the ITRs was adopted on December 12, 2012 at a general vote of the participating countries of ITU. At the meeting, Russia supported a number of articles from the proposed by ITU Secretary-General a compromise version of the International Telecommunication Regulations. This edition has been prepared with the participation of representatives of all regional telecommunication organizations and delegations of separate countries, including Russia and the U.S.

The preamble of the new edition included the phrase "this regulation recognizes the rights of access of members in the international telecommunication services".

The resolution of the compromise version of RME is called “Enabling environment for more active Internet development”, member states are offered “to work out their respective position on international Internet-related technical issues, development and state policy in the framework of the mandate of the IYU’, as well as “to work together with all interested sides on this regard”. The resolution of the ITU Secretary-General is also mandated to "continue to take the necessary measures to ensure that the ITU has played an active and constructive role in the development of broadband and the Internet model, based on a multi-stakeholder" and "to promote the participation of Member States and all stakeholders, the case in the ITU in this direction".