World history: Exhibition of artworks by American military veterans “Beyond the Possible” in Saint-Petersburg
Consulate General of the United States in Saint-Petersburg, the National Veterans Art Museum (Chicago, USA), the Museum of the Political History of Russia on December 12, 2012 open an exhibition “Beyond the Possible” – an exhibition of artworks by American military veterans.
In 1981 in Chicago (Illinois) the creative team of veterans of the Vietnam War put the beginning of the creation of the collection of the Museum of Vietnam Veterans. A year later the first exhibition – “Reflection and meditation”, which was exhibited in many museums and galleries of the USA, took place.
The emotional response to these works as well as an increasing number of papers sent by artists to the collection led to the creation of permanently working museum. The National Veterans Art Museum opened its doors in 1996. Since 2003 the Museum included to the exposition works of veterans of other wars. In 2010 it was decided to remove the word “Vietnam” form the name of the Museum, making it the National Museum of Art of Veterans. The museum collects, stores and exhibits the artworks, created by war veterans and reflecting their military experience and impressions. The National Museum of Art of Veterans covers both historical and contemporary themes related to military service that helps visitors to more deeply understand the impact of war to the human psyche. At the same time the Museum is the Art Gallery for veterans and it gives them a unique opportunity to exhibit their works.
Presented at the exhibition artworks – painting, sculpture, installation – feature the contradictions and complexity of the military theme.