Memory of Russia abroad: Presentation of the project “To the memory of heroes of 1812” in Vitebsk

12 December 2012

Presentation of the project “To the memory of heroes of 1812” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the 1150th anniversary of the origin of the Russian statehood is held on December 12, 2012 in Vitebsk. The event is organized by the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Minsk (Rossotrudnichestvo), the Center of National Cultures and an exhibition hall “Dukhovskoy kruglik” of the Cultural Center “Vitebsk” as well as the Vitebsk Public Association “Russian House”.

As part of the event the guests will be shown the documentary film “The whole Russia will remember”, as well as the lecture “The Patriotic War of 1812 in the works of art from the collection of the State Russian Museum”, as well as the presentation of the book of the Vitebsk author (and simultaneously one of the organizers of the event) Andrei Gerashchenko “Sons of the fatherland. Glorious 1812” In addition, the gusts will be offered presentation of multimedia publication of the Russian Historical Museum “The sword and the gold coin” and the photo exhibition “Borodino – the battle of giants”.