Museums of Russia: The Moscow Polytechnic Museum celebrates its 140th anniversary

11 December 2012

December 12, 2012 the Polytechnic Museum celebrates 140 years. Festive events timed to the anniversary are held from December 10-13.

December 10-11 the Polytechnic Museum holds the Anniversary International conference “Museum in the movement”, devoted to current problems and innovative approaches in the development of museum branch. Key conference topics are: opportunities of interaction of the Museum and the City, the audience of the museum today and search of new ways of interaction with it, the future of associations and networks of museums, the role of internet web sites, blogs and profiles in social networks in the conquest of audience, who works in the museum today and what specialists are needed, how occurs the educational process in the museum. Conference is organized jointly with the Russian Committee of International Council of Museums (of ICOM of Russia).

December 11 the Central Exhibition Complex will open the exhibition "Mythology ON-line", which will last until February 10, 2013. This exhibition is the opportunity to plunge into the world of interfaces, new characters and features. Curators are turning to the Internet to mass culture: its main character, lifestyle and aesthetics. The exposition is the metaphor of daily travel of each user in the network. The exhibition will feature various genres of media art: interactive installations, video, websites, Media-, digital painting and sculpture.

Also December 11 the solemn anniversary program will start. The large audience “Polytheatre” will present a commemorative version of the play “Memory of a place”, dedicated to the Polytechnic Museum.