The Presidential Library: New Acquisitions

7 December 2012

The web site of the Presidential Library continues the publication of materials from the National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine.

New acquisitions are dedicated to the history, ethnography, art and culture of Ukraine and Russia.

The book of I. A. Choynowski Excavations grand courtyard of the ancient city of Kiev, produced in spring 1892 (Kiev, 1893) describes the author’s work at the archaeological survey land, which in ancient times was situated the Knyazhev yard. According to historical chronicles in the grand-ducal court lived Kyi, “the first prince and founder of Kiev”. The author makes a brief history and describes the objects found on the site of the Knyazhev-yard (household items, jewelry, terracotta toys, clothes, etc.)

Report of S. P. Velmin Tour on the Dnieper and Pripyat to explore ancient monuments in Chernobyl organized by the Kiev Society for the Protection of ancient monuments and art, together with the Kiev department of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society is dedicated to the antiquities of Ukraine (Kiev, 1914).

The history of Chernigov land, its princes, church leaders, as well as churches, monasteries, and wonder-working icons is described in the book Pictures of the Church life of the Chernigov diocese of the IX century of its history (Kiev, 1911). There is a gift inscription of Bishop Chernigov and Vasily Nijinsky in this instance.

The book of a historian and lawyer N. D. Ivanischev On ancient rural communities in the South-West of Russia (Kiev, 1863) on the basis of Lutsk, Zhitomir documentary books of Vladimir considered part of the south-west of the village community, the Rural People and legal practices, which conducted the inquiry and adjudicating.

The essay of E. E. Sno In steppes and gardens of Ukraine. Little Russians (St. Petersburg, 1904) describes the history, geography and nature of Ruthenia (Ukraine), as well as the life and customs of its people.

The wedding customs, beliefs, superstitions, songs, rituals and sayings are noted in the book of N. F. Sumtsova Religious and mythical significance of the Little Russian wedding (Kiev, 1885).

The collection of the Archaeological Museum of Advanced Courses for Women in Kiev Issue 2 (Kiev, 1914) is dedicated to the finds of ancient costume and adornment women found during the excavation of burial mounds in the settlements of the ancient Slavs.

The Old Slavonic epics, fables and songs cover the following books: N. A. Nadezhdin Knights of the Russian land (St. Petersburg, Moscow, 1911), Essay of Old Church fable or mythology (Lviv, 1860), The M. G. Halansky Great Russian heroic epics of Kiev cycle (Warsaw, 1885).

The preparation of new materials continues.