Internet and society: The Russian language section of Wikipedia went out to the 7th place by the number of articles

6 December 2012
Source: Digit.Ru

The Russian language section of online-encyclopedia Wikipedia went out to the seventh place with more than 935 thousand articles leaving behind the Polish section, says the statistics on regional sections as the web site

Currently four sections contain more than a million of articles – in English, German, French and Dutch. In addition, in the number of articles the Russian “Wikipedia” is bypassed by Italian and Spanish sections.

It is assumed that during the month the Russian “Wikipedia” will be able to leave ahead the Spanish section of the encyclopedia. Now the Russian section is behind by about 3.5 thousand articles.

Wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia in the world. The project counts more than 23 million of articles in 285 languages. In November “Wikipedia” got the “Runet Award-2012” in the category “Science and Education”.