Society and Mass Media: The United Arab Emirates to release applications on Russia as part of the project “Russia Beyond the Headlines”

6 December 2012

In December as part of the international project of the “Russian Newspaper” Russia Beyond The Headlines the United Arab Emirates are releasing the issue of special applications on Russia in the influential newspapers Gulf News (in English) and Al Khaleej (in Arabic).

The topics of the first Middle East applications will be political and economic relations between Russia and the United Arab Emirates, bilateral investments and plans of Russia for space exploration.

The total circulation of new issues is about 270 thousand copies. The distribution area includes not only the UAE but also Bahrain, Qatar, Pakistan, Oman, Egypt, Yemen and other countries in the Middle East.

“Russia Beyond The headlines – is an international project. Our applications are released in 22 countries; among our partners are The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Daily Telegraph, Le Figaro and other major newspapers of the world. But the project could not be truly global without so important from a geopolitical point of view of the region as the Middle East, - explains the head of the Directorate of International Projects "RG", Deputy General Director of "Russian newspaper" Eugene Abov - We decided to enter into the region through the UAE. This is a country that combines Western and Eastern traditions. In the United Arab Emirates, Russia has close ties and common interests".