Information technology and society: Mobile traffic to increase in 12 times by 2018

4 December 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

Ericsson Company expects a twelvefold increase in mobile traffic in the next five years. By the end of 2012 the number of mobile connections will be 6.6 billion, an increase of more than half a billion for the year 2012. After 5 years, this figure should reach 9.3 billion, 3 billion of which will be smart phones. Today the average speed of mobile internet is 1.3 Mb / s. The lion's share of the traffic is video.

The number of new LTE-connections in Q3 2012 was 13 million, and by 2018 it was expected to increase to 1.6 billion connections.

According to Ericsson report on the state of the market of mobile broadband, in the third quarter of 2012, the volume of data traffic has doubled compared to the same period of 2011. This suggests that the compound annual growth rate of the volume of traffic in the next five years will be 50%. Much of this growth will be due to the prevalence of smart phones and the growing popularity of various video services.