Memory of Russia: Military and historical reconstructions and conference, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory near Stalingrad, in Volgograd

31 January 2013

On January 31 and February 3, 2013 in Volgograd it will be held two military reconstructions: a traditional reconstruction of the scene of trapping of Field Marshal Paulus and a reconstruction of the defeat of the groups of Stecker, which Volgograd residents and guests of the city will see for the first time.

January 31, at the basement of the Central Department Store will be held a reconstruction of capture of Field Marshal Paulus with the output of the column of German prisoners. 

Another reconstruction is scheduled on February 3 on the territory of the factory of medical equipment – the defeat of the group of Stecker will be shown for the first time.

“We will try to recreate that decadent spirit of German soldiers, those last minutes before the surrender – says the head of military and historical club “Infantryman” Anatoly Artamonov.

And February 1, 2013 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi forces by the Soviet forces near Stalingrad will be held the International Research and Practical conference “The Battle of Stalingrad in the lives of people”.

The conference includes the following sections:

- The contribution of the USSR peoples to the victory near Stalingrad;

- The Battle of Stalingrad: sources and historiography;

- The Battle of Stalingrad in the world culture;

- The heroic features of defenders in the Battle of Stalingrad in the formation of new generations of winners;

- Authority and society during the Battle of Stalingrad;

- The impact of the spiritual heritage of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad in the formation of patriotic personnel of the Russian Army;

- The heritage of winners of Stalingrad in the history of the city – Volgograd the hero;

- Fighting in the battle of Stalingrad.