World history: Exhibition “1922. Far Eastern outcome” in Vladivostok

28 January 2013

The book documentary exhibition of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of the Russian Abroad (Moscow) “1922. Far Eastern income” opened at the Scientific-Research Museum of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) in Vladivostok.

The exhibition is held in conjunction with the three largest domestic federal archives: State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Archive and the Russian State Archive of the Navy, and the State Public Historical Library of Russia.

The exposition features unique documents, photographs, publications dedicated to the latest battles the Civil War in the Far East in 1922, the retreat of the Cossack troops and refugees to China, Odyssey of Siberian flotilla of Russian sailors and stay of sailors in the Philippines. Photos, original archival documents - orders, letters, reports, lists of personnel, ships logbooks, charts of the early XX century, an autographed portrait of Rear Admiral G. K. Stark - the last commander of the Siberian flotilla.

The representative of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of the Russian Abroad donated books to the Research Library of the FEFU, including monographs and studies by Russian scientists, as well as memoirs of immigrants. Now they are available to every visitor of the library.