International events: 2015 is declared to be the “cross” year of Russia - Poland

28 January 2013

“Cross” years of Russian culture in Poland in Russia will be held in 2015. This was announced by the speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin. “This will be a megaproject”, - said the head of the lower house of the Russian parliament.

Speaker of the Duma took part in the opening ceremony of the Russian exposition “Tragedy. Courage. Liberation” at the Polish Museum “Auschwitz-Birkenau”. It is dedicated to the tragedy of Soviet prisoners, war camp prisoners. Among the exhibits there are archival materials, photographs, memoirs and personal things of participants of those events. 

Sergei Naryshkin said that Russians are very much value the existing of human and interpersonal communication, they are very fond of Polish culture, and the Poles in their turn the Russian. He also noted the importance of work of the Russian-Polish commission on discussion of complex issues, arising from the history of Russian-Polish relations.