History of Saint-Petersburg: Exhibition “Living legend of the museum life” to the 69th anniversary of the break of the siege of Leningrad
28 January 2013 at the Korff hall of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) is opening the exhibition “Living legend of the museum life”. The exposition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the legendary director of the Museum Reserve “Pavlovsk”, outstanding restorer Anna Ivanovna Zelenova.
A. I. Zelenova was a permanent director of the museum from 1941 to 1979. Under her leadership, Pavlovsk was again restored and preserved. All 900 days of the siege of Leningrad Zelenova worked in the city-front, she was reader of the Public library, and since 1943 she worked in the library in part time position.
For the first time at the exhibition are presented documents from the private archive of A. I. Zelenova: notes of 1941-1942 on architecture, municipal services, bomb shelter organizing, landscaping. Among the exhibits are plans of the exhibition “Heroic Leningrad, personal correspondence. The Pavlovsk Museum granted for the exposition personal items from the desktop of Zelenova.
Materials of the separate part of the exhibition "From the ashes and ruins" are provided by the State Museum “Pavlovsk” and are devoted to its history, restoration and conservation.
The exhibition is complemented with war posters from the Department of Prints, documents from the “Siege collection” and archive libraries, books and albums from the collections of the National Library of Russia.
The exhibition is held as part of the “We remember their names - the feat of the Soviet school of restoration to restore the suburbs of Leningrad” and is organized by the National Library of Russia, the State Museum Reserve “Pavlovsk”, the State Museum of History of the city, the Theatre Museum, the Consulate of Latvia in St. Petersburg.
At the end of the opening ceremony in the conference room of the library will be shown the film “Anna Zelenova. The fate of a museum worker”
The exhibition will run till March 1.