Science and Culture: Scientists have developed a method of studies of the paintings of Rembrandt

28 January 2013
Source: Lenta.Ru

Scientists have developed a spectroscopic method by which you can examine the original image on the canvas of Rembrandt. The paper was published in the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometer, its summary can be read at the synchrotron research center DESY.

Initial studies have shown that under the main image on the “Portrait of an elderly man in a military suit” there is another portrait. To consider it, using existing methods of X-ray, neutron and infrared spectroscopy, has not yet succeeded. Difficulties, according to scientists, have been related to the fact that working on a new image of Rembrandt (as opposed to, for example, Van Gogh) used almost the same chemical composition of paint.

In the new work to explore the canvas authors suggested using X-ray fluorescence MA-XRF. Its essence is in the fact that under the influence of some of the hard radiation contained in the pigment atoms absorb and re-emit photons of a certain wavelength. In particular, this way you can see the distribution of the picture of the mercury in cinnabar, HgS, by Rembrandt (as shown by preliminary studies) used exclusively for toning the skin.

To test the method, and not to the original risk premature, scientists have created a copy of the work, mimicking its chemical composition. Then there were obtained “through” copy images using different X-ray sources at synchrotrons in the U.S. and Germany.

As a result, scientists have been able to prove that the method allows viewing a picture in the record details. The authors hope that the museum, which currently owns the picture will allow making a study of the original.

Canvas, which became the object of the study, was written by Rembrandt van Rijn in the years 1630-1631. Rembrandt is known for frequently re-using of his canvases. The method developed by the authors, can be useful for the study of many of his works.