History of Saint-Petersburg: International online project “Siege. Voices” dedicated to the feat of Leningrad citizens, is presented

24 January 2013
Source: Interfax

Memories of living witnesses of the siege of Leningrad, defending the city, will be presented in the form of an interview in the framework of the new project “Siege. Voices”.

As told at the press-conference on January 23, 2013 Alexei Oliferuk, author of the project and TV journalist, the record of video interview with memories of survivors of siege lasts for about six months, it is recorded about 50 interviews. “All this will be posted in the Internet; we want to leave in the Internet as much as possible such living memories and evidence.  These conversations are not filtered in any way”, - noted A. Oliferuk.

He stressed that authors of the project faced a number of difficulties in recording video interviews. The main is the reducing number of survivors of siege, who lived at that time in Leningrad, but they remember the events and they want to share their memories. 

A. Oliferuk stressed that for the present time the project will exist only in the Internet. Perhaps, to the 70th anniversary of the complete breakthrough the siege of Leningrad next year it will be submitted on TV.