Society and Church: Moscow hosts the XXI International Christmas Educational Readings

24 January 2013

January 24-27, 2013 Moscow hosts the XXI International Christmas Educational Readings on the subject “Traditional values and the modern world”.

The plenary meeting on January 24 is attended by the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, the Minister of Education D. V. Livanov, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V. R. Medinsky, the rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University V. A. Sadovnichiy.

As part of the readings are traditionally held thematic conferences, sections and round tables on areas led by the Synodal institutions, including the subjects “Church and culture”, “Church and the Media”, “Church, State, Society” and etc.

January 25-26, 2013 in the Russian Orthodox University will be held conferences, sections, lectures, round tables and master classes on the subject “Church and the youth”.

January 26, there will be held master class “New Information technology among the youth”. The main purpose of the master class is to acquaint the Orthodox audience with relevant areas of the development of the media technology and to consider their use and adaption in the Church environment.

In whole, the International Christmas Educational Readings are the most prospective Church-public forums and constantly developing dialogue platforms.