Russian regions: Book Chronicle of the Ulyanovsk region presented to the 70th anniversary of the region

23 January 2013

The V. I. Lenin Ulyanovsk regional research library hosts the book and illustrative exhibition, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk region. The exposition is housed in the exhibition hall and it is a book chronicle which included books, albums, journals, catalogues and booklets, dedicated to the region. 

The exhibition opens with editions about the history of the region and its present, the honorable citizens of the region. The centerpiece of the first section takes the article from the newspaper “Ulyanovsk Truth” with a decree of January 19, 1943 on the formation of the Ulyanovsk region.

The “Anthology of life” is also presented at the exhibition – the life of the region on notes and memoires. A special place takes the literature of the region during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

The second section is a kind of map of the Ulyanovsk region and it introduces to the history of regions and cities in the region. Here is presented the work of the various organizations, factories, known throughout Russia. The exhibition, showing the main landmarks of history affected the natural wealth of the region and its environment.

One of the sections of the exhibition is dedicated to education and science. From presented books you can learn about the history of educational institutions of the city. Research activities are presented in several publications, giving an idea of the State Scientific Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Riar) in Dimitrovgrad.

The cultural sphere is widely highlighted. The exhibition includes books about Philharmonic, theaters, archives, museums of the Ulyanovsk region. Art books get familiar with the works of artists of Ulyanovsk. Booklets on various festivals and competitions held in the region are also presented.