History of Russia: The Moscow Kremlin Museums to present exhibitions of Ivan III and coronations

22 January 2013
Source: RIA Novosti

The Moscow Kremlin museums, traditionally known for its imported foreign projects, pending the move to set the Middle Trading Rows in 2013, will show exhibitions related to the history of Russia and its rulers.

According to the press service of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, on March 19, in the Odnostolpnaya Chamber will be hosted the exposition dedicated to Ivan III, in the time of who there was a unification of the Russian lands around Moscow, which became the center of the state, and it was adopted the so-called Code of Law.

The substantive evidence of his reign is the monuments of the Kremlin. As we know, on the orders of Ivan Vasilievich in Moscow were invited the best Italian masters, who took up the restructuring of the Kremlin.

The exhibition will feature rare and valuable exhibits – a Korsun cross, brought by Embassy of Sophia Palaeologus, coins with the image of Ivan III, an embroidered veil with a grand family portraits, icons, and unique archival documents.

The project "The art to store art", which will open on April 9 in the exhibition hall of the Assumption Belfry, reveal the secrets of restoration crafts on the example of the best art works of Russian and foreign artists, which is so rich in the Moscow Kremlin.

Some things will be displayed directly in the process of restoration, while others are in pairs, one before the restoration, and the other - after.

In total, the exhibition will present some 100 exhibits - icons and paintings, secular clothing and vestments, arms inlaid with mother of pearl and ivory cups of exotic shells, ancient documents and architectural drawings.

In mid-September, the Kremlin Museums will present a magnificent exhibition "Coronation of the Moscow Kremlin (XVI-XIX centuries)", dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

Among the exhibits, which can be seen at the exposition are lush robes of emperors and higher church hierarchy used in the coronation regalia and sacred relics, and rare archival documents, prints and photographs. A significant part of the exhibits will be on display for the first time.