Information technology and society: Google Inc. is developing new ways of users’ authorization

22 January 2013

Google engineers are working on new ways to change user passwords. Among these methods there is a small cryptographic card YubiKey, with which users can automatically log into the services of Google, such as Gmail.

As planned by Google, in the future, users of YubiKey will be able to safely work not only with the resources of the company, but also with many other Internet web sites. According to them YubiKey is a small card that is placed in the reader or smart phone and works as an electronic key broad scope of use, up to the house-keys to the "smart" home. At the company they say that to use YubiKey could also be working with online banking and social networking for authorization.

Eric Grosse, Google vice president for security, said that the YubiKey contains several defense mechanisms, as well as the authorization of a new computer system or a smartphone. He also noted that in Google they have been long criticized the concept of passwords because in the XXI century, it no longer meets the safety requirements. According to him, the computational power of modern computers is constantly growing, while the user experience of remembering complex passwords are limited. Against this background, the hacking systems are based on simple password changes, becoming increasingly easy.

In Google they say that while experimenting with a device YubiKey with a modified version browser Chrome, and staffing support key is embedded in the browser, so users do not need to install additional drivers here and software. YubiKey automatically logs the current service the user is are working with.

Separately, the company is said that they have developed a security protocol for authentication of such devices and eventually hope that it will be used much more than just at services of Google.

In general, the Internet Company said that the work authorization system may not be limited to the usual USB-key and to create a prototype system can be possible in any form, such as a ring on the finger of the user, which will automatically connect to a remote platform, passing the data to entrance.

Now the company already has not only a platform and protocol for authentication, but almost a complete set of API to create programs that are compatible with this development.