President of Russia: Vladimir Putin took part in the opening ceremony of the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in Moscow
The head of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part at the opening ceremony of the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in Moscow.
The President toured the lecture-hall and a library at the Moscow headquarters, which has already formed a collection of rare antique books.
A particular attention he paid to maps, atlases and academic writings on the history of geographical research. Library Director Victor Feodorov proposed to create a “community council on library geographical fund of Russia”.
According to him, the three major geographical Libraries of Russia contain totally 250,000 volumes of geographical publications. “It is now possible to digitize all these publications and send copies here in the headquarters and library of the Russian Geographical Society in Moscow. Thus, the researchers will also have full texts of these publications, and the addresses where they are located”, - said Fedorov.
Vladimir Putin in his turn gave the library a three-volume edition “History of Russian researchers of Asia and the Far East”.
Besides, President of Russia visited the multi-purpose media studio, which connects the headquarters via videoconference with all of the Society’s offices throughout the nation. This background will host meetings with participants of RGS expeditions and community members, as well as public screenings of films made in grants of the community.