Information technology and authority: Instructions on the result of the meeting of the Presidential Council of Russia on economic modernization and innovative development

15 January 2013

The final list of instructions of the Prime Minister, released according to the results of the meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation on economic modernization and innovative development of the Russian Federation dedicated to the development of branches of information technology and telecommunications, included four assignments.

The first half of 2013 responsible ministries should implement a set of measures designed to reduce the cost of broadband households to the Internet; proposals for development are on the basis of research institutes and universities of the world-class, focused on research centers that focus on cutting-edge research in the field of IT, to secure funding for a period not less than 5 years; a set of measures for the legal protection of designs of Russian innovative companies abroad to study the issue of lowering the threshold number of employees of IT companies applying for benefits on insurance premiums, and the extension of such benefits for the period after 2017.

Deputy Minister of Communications, Mark Shmulevich noted that the timely and proper execution of these instructions will help to develop the IT industry in Russia. “It is important to note that there is attention to the problems of the IT industry at the level of the Russian Government and the political will to address these problems. In addition, the topics raised at the meeting, are not momentary: they provide the basis for long-term development of the industry. This also applies to research, and the tax regime and infrastructure, and patenting abroad”, - he said.