Information technology and museums: The Hermitage completed the full digitization of documents to record the museum collection

14 January 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

The State Hermitage has completed the digitization of documents to record the museum collection.

“In order to improve the accounting and management of museum collections in 2012 there were digitized all accounts of the museum inventory books, books and receipts, statements of permanent storage (totally 871.5 thousand pages), which now allows you to view the necessary documents, without referring to books”, - said the press-service of the Hermitage.

According to representatives of the museum, the pace of commissioning the common museum registration and archival database of specific information about the exhibits is accelerated. Now the volume of the database is over a million records. In 2012 it was held a photographic of 355,000 images of graphic, decorative and applied art, archaeological and numismatic monuments.

“Every item at the average was digitized in 2-4 angles. Thus, the total number of created digital images for the year 2012 amounted to 780,000”, - said the press service of the museum.

The Hermitage collection includes almost 3 million exhibits; among them are works of art, drawings, sculpture and applied art, archaeological monuments, numismatics and other exhibits.