World history: Exhibition, dedicated to the foreign campaigns of the Russian Army in 1813-1815, opened in Lithuania

14 January 2013

The exposition on the theme of foreign campaigns of the Russian Army in 1813-1815 was prepared by research specialists of the Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art for the exhibition, opened in the Local Lore Museum of the city of Taurage to the 200th anniversary of the Taurage convention.

The traveling exhibition, based on historical documents from Russian and German archives, is open with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Kaliningrad region and the regional Ministry of Culture.

As told in the historical and art museum, for the first time the exposition presents materials on the Convention from the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire.

The Convention, signed on December 30, 1812 at Posherunskaya mill near the town Taurogen (modern city Taurage in Lithuania), marked a new stage of the military campaign of the Russian Army against Napoleon. Prussian troops declared its neutrality, which signaled to the liberation movement of the peoples of Europe. Specialists of the Kaliningrad Art and History Museum took part in the opening of the monument dedicated to the event.