Society and book culture: The V All-Russian Research and Practical conference “The Book and the World culture” in Omsk

2 January 2013

The department of library and information service of the Faculty of Philology of Media Communications of the Omsk State University of F. M. Dostoevsky conducts the V All-Russian research and practical conference "The Book and the World Culture" on 24-25 April 2013.

The conference is expected to discuss the following questions:

- Library as a cultural phenomenon;

- Library and Cultural Policy;

- Preparation of the library specialists;

- Information technologies and their use in the library and information services;

- User Information Culture;

- Industry Information Resources;

- Formation of library collections;

- Library work with children and adolescents;

- The history of librarianship and bibliography;

- Modern writers in the context of classical Russian literature;

- Works of contemporary writers and philosophical thought of the 19-20 centuries

- Conceptosphere of the world literary work;

- The language and style of modern authors.